Pacific Northwest Crop Production Lighter

Potatoes, sugarbeets, corn for grain mostly down from '21 levels, according to NASS report

Published online: Nov 17, 2022 Articles Farm Press Staff Report
Viewed 1482 time(s)

Drought, heat waves and rising input costs have apparently taken their toll on production of some crops in the Pacific Northwest.

Production of corn for grain, potatoes and sugarbeets in Oregon, Washington and Idaho are mostly down from 2021 levels, according to the latest report from the National Agricultural Statistics Service office in Olympia, Wash.

Here is the full report.

Corn For Grain

Production of corn for grain in Idaho is forecast at 21.0 million bushels, down 17 percent from last year. Harvested area, at 105,000 acres, is down 15,000 acres from 2021. Yield is expected to be 200 bushels per acre, down 10 bushels from 2021.

Washington corn for grain production is forecast at 17.5 million bushels, down 17 percent from last year. Harvested area, at 70,000 acres, is down 15,000 acres from 2021. Yield is expected to be 250 bushels per acre, up 2 bushels from the previous year.


Production of sugarbeets in Idaho is forecast at 6.63 million tons, down 1 percent from last year. Harvested area, at 170,000 acres, is unchanged from 2021. Yield is expected to be 39.0 tons per acre, down 0.5 tons from 2021.

Oregon sugarbeet production is forecast at 304,000 tons, down 23 percent from last year. Harvested area, at 8,000 acres, is down 2,400 acres from 2021. Yield is expected to be 38.0 tons per acre, up 0.1 tons from the previous year.

Washington sugarbeet production is forecast at 91,000 tons, up 5 percent from last year. Harvested area is estimated at 2,000 acres, up 100 acres from 2021. Yield is expected to be 45.5 tons per acre, down 0.4 ton from 2021.


Potato production in Idaho is forecast at 121 million hundredweight (cwt)., down 9 percent from last year. Harvested area, at 294,500 acres, is down 20,000 acres from 2021. Yield is expected to be 410 cwt. per acre, down 10 cwt. from 2021.

Potato production in Oregon is forecast at 25.3 million cwt., down 4 percent from the previous year. Harvested area, at 42,900 acres, is down 900 acres from 2021. Yield is expected to be 590 cwt. per acre, down 10 cwt. from 2021.

Potato production in Washington is forecast at 94.9 million cwt., up 3 percent from last year. Harvested area, at 159,500 acres, is up 5,000 acres from 2021. Yield is expected to be 595 cwt. per acre unchanged from the previous year.