Weighpack Announces New High Speed Continuous Motion Bagger State-Of-The-Art Bagging Machine Can Produce Up To 150 Bags Per Minute

Published online: Nov 30, 2022 New Products
Viewed 988 time(s)

WeighPack has launched its newest vertical form, fill and seal machine for  high-speed applications, the VF 1200 continuous motion bagger. Debuted at Pack Expo International in Chicago last month, this bagging machine can produce up to 150 bags per minute in varying sizes up to 16 inches in length. 

The VF 1200 can handle multiple package formats and produces a wide range of package sizes providing flexibility for both retail and club size packaging for industries ranging from snack foods and confectionery to frozen foods and baked goods.  

This continuous motion bagger features vertical sealing bars that are continuously in motion, so the film does not need to stop to receive its vertical seal. This provides an advantage over vertical, form, fill and seal machines with intermittent motion seal bars which only open and close in full sequence, resulting in lower production rates. 

Engineered with an open-frame design for easy operator access, the VF 1200 features stainless steel construction, vacuum pull belts, second film roll support, film splice table, Omron motion controller and servos, a 15-inch color touchscreen and toolless removable vertical seal bar, horizontal jaws and forming shoulder.  

Options available include full sanitary washdown, bag gusset attachment, integrated printer, hole  punch and more.  

WeighPack can customize a turnkey system to meet almost any weighing, filling and bagging  need. Their multi-head weighers, linear net weighers and bagging machines are used across  many industries. They also offer a variety of labeling machines and end of line solutions. 

See video of this system in action at www.weighpack.com/primary-packaging-video-library/. For product inquiries, visit www.weighpack.com/weighpack-sales-inquiries/.