Mattracks Introduces Employee Energy Relief Program; Distributes Over a Half Million Dollars To Employees In 2022

Highest employee bonus package since established in 1994

Published online: Jan 01, 2023 Articles
Viewed 754 time(s)

Karlstad, MN – Mattracks Inc, a northwest Minnesota manufacturer of track conversion systems, celebrated its most successful year since its inception in 1992 by rewarding its employees for all of their hard work over the past year.

In total, the employee bonus package, which includes a Simple IRA company match, equaled $524,335.66 for the past 12 months. This is the highest total since the company began giving bonuses in 1997, and it is approximately 25 percent higher than the year prior.

The company held its annual holiday party on Friday, Dec. 2. Mattracks CEO, Glen Brazier, thanked the employees for their continuous dedication and hard work over the past year. He also highlighted a few of the major accomplishments which took place over that time as well. Perhaps most notable, was the delivery of the company’s 100,000th track system back in late December of 2021. That milestone speaks to the longevity of Mattracks in the market place over the past 30 years. 

Another significant event was the release of the 10-inch wide Ag track. This is the narrowest agricultural tread on the market, placing it in huge demand for row crop farmers with narrow rows. That brings Mattracks total model count to over 160, ranging from ATVs to large commercial vehicles and farming equipment.  

Mattracks is headquartered in Karlstad, MN, and employed 62 people in 2022, both part-time and full-time. Year-end bonuses distributed on Dec. 2, were weighted by total hours worked as well as attendance record and job performance. It should be noted that company owners, Roxanne Brazier and CEO Glen Brazier, have never been included in the year-end bonus distribution. 

Another part of the yearly bonus package was the Mattracks Excessive Energy Expense Relief Package “E3RP,” an additional package included to help combat this year’s high fuel prices. E3RP payments were made to each employee that had to drive to work, and were scaled based on how far their daily drive was throughout the year. It worked out to be approximately $0.05 per mile driven, or $1 per gallon purchased for a 20 mpg vehicle.

Brazier ended his speech indicating Mattracks sales were up from 2021 and they look to increase again in 2023 as well. He also had a touching final message to employees about taking pride in Mattracks. 

“I had a conversation with an employee recently who was talking about Mattracks,” said Brazier. “I forget exactly what we were discussing, but she said, ‘OUR company is (...).’ Then she quickly corrected herself and said, ‘I mean THE company is (…).’”

Brazier continued, “I corrected her and said ‘No, it is OUR company.’ I want each and every one of you to refer to Mattracks as OUR company, because it is. We accomplish great things together. And it is OUR company. Take pride in that, just as much as I take pride in each and every one of you.” 

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