NPGA Prepares For Next Week's Chairman's, Meritorious Service Award Banquet

Published online: Feb 17, 2023 Articles
Viewed 1078 time(s)

The Northland Potato Growers Association (NPGA) winter meetings are next week highlighted by the Chairman's and Meritorious Service Award Banquet on Tuesday evening, Feb. 21.

Peter Imle will become the new NPGA Chairman, replacing David Fedje from Hoople, ND. Imle is a certified potato seed grower from Pine Lake Wild Rice Farm Inc. near Gonvick, MN.

The Industry Meritorious Service Award is being given to Mike Oosterwijk, the Field Supervisor for the North Dakota Certified Potato Seed Program. Oosterwijk has worked for the North Dakota Certified Potato Seed for more than 40 years.

The Grower Meritorious Service Award is being presented to Brian Vculek from Crete, ND. The Vculeks have been raising potatoes since 1989 and have grown potatoes for all four sectors over the years; fresh, frozen processing, seed and chip. Today Vculek's family concentrates on process and seed potatoes. He had a leadership role in bringing the Cavendish Farms plant to Jamestown, ND, and has been active in many ag and civic organizations.

Attend the banquet next week to recognize these local leaders of our potato industry. NPGA growers can attend the banquet at no cost thanks to our long list of sponsors including major sponsor Otto Ag and Hoople Farmers Grain Co.