From Ocean To Farm To Table, Afrikelp USA Is Nourishing Life With Sustainable Inputs For American Farmers

Afrikelp USA harvests the power of the sea in its mission to improve crop quality and yield with regenerative solutions

Published online: Mar 12, 2023 Fertilizer
Viewed 1009 time(s)

Selma, CA - Recent research demonstrates that seaweed extracts can help improve growth, vigor and productivity in a variety of crops.(1) At a time when it is necessary to improve quality  parameters and crop yield, farmers must turn to management solutions that improve agricultural performance.

Afrikelp-USA enables farmers to do this with a very high return on investment, supported by many trials and U.S.-based research studies. Its liquid seaweed extracts harvest the power of the sea to  improve a range of farm production metrics.  

Afrikelp USA, based in California, offers a liquid seaweed treatment that is sustainably extracted from the unique South African giant kelp, Ecklonia maxima. Each batch goes through a rigorous internal quality laboratory test and Afrikelp USA is regularly quality checked by independent labs. The liquid seaweed extract has helped farmers to achieve proven success at increasing yields while reducing the utilization of synthetic inputs. 

“Afrikelp has more than 15 years of expertise nourishing growth for a wide variety of crops with our sustainably harvested Ecklonia maxima,” Managing Director of Afrikelp-USA Joaquin Orellana said. “Over the years we’ve gathered data that shows a specific approach for each crop and gives farmers the tools they need to succeed every season. Now is the time for farmers to invest in sustainable inputs that improve crop yield and quality.”

The company’s products can be applied as a foliar spray, dip or drench and through irrigation systems to stimulate and support root and shoot growth as well as fruit development. Each batch goes through a rigorous internal quality laboratory test and Afrikelp USA is regularly quality checked by independent labs.  

Afrikelp USA’s liquid seaweed extract benefits are numerous. This unique, sustainably-harvested kelp extract has been shown to improve seedling vigor, enhance plant cell development, increase yields, enhance quality, shorten the period between planting and harvesting and improve the growth performance of a variety of crops. Afrikelp USA products are also compatible with a wide range of other agricultural products.  

Afrikelp USA products can be applied to a range of crops from fruit and nuts to grains, seeds and vegetables, to boost agriculture performance. In its almost five decades of nourishing growth for farmers all over the world, Afrikelp has collected data that demonstrates its seaweed extract elicits success on a number of crop growth metrics.  

A few U.S.-based crops that have seen significant growth with Afrikelp USA’s product application include:

  • Almonds - Improves fruit set and retention in almonds. In one case study, application improved crop yield by 12.5 percent. (2)
  • Tomatoes - Improves plant establishment, reduces transplant shock, promotes root growth and increases fruit set and size in tomato crops. In one case study, it increased tomato yield by 26.8 percent. (3)
  • Corn - Improves both seed and plant growth in corn. In one case study, application improved corn yield by 8 percent. (4) 

Research supports the company’s case studies. One 2020 study found that seaweed extract application significantly increased tomato yield when applied in the right volume. Seaweed extract also increased the hardness of the tomatoes, shortened ripening time and helped farmers achieve a “high net return.” (5) Sustainable agricultural solutions harvested from the sea, like Afrikelp USA products, are the future of US farming.  

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(1) Ali, O., Ramsubhag, A., & Jayaraman, J. (2021). Biostimulant Properties of Seaweed Extracts in Plants: Implications towards Sustainable Crop  Production. Plants (Basel, Switzerland), 10(3), 531.

(2) Almonds. Afrikelp. (2020, July 3). Retrieved January 3, 2023, from

(3) Tomatoes. Afrikelp. (2021, June 23). Retrieved January 3, 2023, from

(4) Corn. Afrikelp. (2020, July 3). Retrieved January 3, 2023, from

(5) Yao, Yuanyuan et. Al (February 21, 2020) “Seaweed Extract Improved Yields, Leaf Photosynthesis, Ripening Time, and Net Returns of Tomato  (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.)”ACS Omega 5, 8, 4242–4249. Retrieved January 3, 2023 from: