Bosch BASF Smart Farming Is Now ONE SMART SPRAY

New global brand name supports commercialization activities

Published online: Apr 28, 2023 New Products
Viewed 850 time(s)

Research Triangle Park, NC – Bosch BASF Smart Farming, the joint venture between Bosch and BASF Digital Farming to globally market and sell smart farming technology, announced today its new brand name: ONE SMART SPRAY.

The distinctive new brand name also applies to its product, previously known as the Smart Spraying Solution. With the name change, a new logo, visual identity, and messaging will be introduced in all markets globally.

The creation of the singular ONE SMART SPRAY brand considers farmer feedback gathered in North America, South America, and Europe across the last 12 months, as product field trials progressed towards full commercial launches. 

“ONE SMART SPRAY as a brand brings together the value we create and our purpose, which is to offer one integrated, convenient, and reliable solution to make herbicide spraying not only precise but smart. Not only is the new brand stronger and more memorable, but it will also support our commercialization activities,” says Jorge von Kostrisch, Global Marketing & Communications Manager of ONE SMART SPRAY. “Our new tagline, ‘Precision Made Smart,’ brings our purpose to life: to take weed control to the next level by integrating precision, digital and agronomic intelligence into ONE solution.” 

ONE SMART SPRAY represents an important milestone in the joint venture’s growth, explains Florian Gwosdz, Co-Managing Director of ONE SMART SPRAY. “Back in 2021, Bosch BASF Smart Farming was founded upon the promising opportunity of creating something unique, by joining the hardware, software, and connectivity capabilities of Bosch with the digital and agronomic expertise of BASF. The promise is now a reality, with the technology tested and proven, series production underway, and feedback constantly enthusiastic. The new brand is our next step to scaling up in the market.”

Konstantin Kretschun, Co-Managing Director of ONE SMART SPRAY, adds: “ONE SMART SPRAY is the realization of a value proposition like no other available to farmers today. The camera-based system developed by Bosch detects weeds in milliseconds and precisely sprays only where necessary and only as much as needed. Using the field-specific data in a digital platform by xarvio Digital Farming Solutions, ONE SMART SPRAY also offers customized agronomic recommendations, intelligent sensitivity levels, high-precision agronomic maps, automated documentation, and further features in ONE solution. This is truly smart weed control, which supports maximum input efficiency and more sustainable farming practices.”

The new brand follows recent announcements of commercial agreements with agricultural equipment manufacturers AGCO and Dammann for the integration of the ONE SMART SPRAY technology with their sprayer lines. This complements existing business contracts with Amazone and Stara, where the innovative technology will be incorporated into crop sprayers produced by each company.

For more information: ONE SMART SPRAY brand video - YouTube.