The number of farms in the United States for 2022 is estimated at 2,002,700, down 9,350 farms from 2021. The number of farms increased in all sales classes except the $1,000-$9,999 and $10,000-$99,999 sales classes.
In 2022, 50.8 percent of all farms had less than $10,000 in sales and 81.4 percent of all farms had less than $100,000 in sales. In 2022, 7.5 percent of all farms had sales of $500,000 or more.
Total land in farms, at 893,400,000 acres, decreased 1,900,000 acres from 2021. The biggest change for 2022 is that producers in Sales Class $100,000-$249,999 operated 1,620,000 fewer acres than in 2021. In 2022, 30 percent of all farmland was operated by farms with less than $100,000 in sales, while 41.2 percent of all farmland was operated by farms with sales of $500,000 or more.
The average farm size for 2022 is 446 acres, up from 445 acres the previous year. Average farm size increased in the $1,000,000 or more sales class and decreased or remained unchanged in all other sales classes.
See the attached PDF for details from the report.