May 2023 United Potato Growers Of Canada Holding Reports

Published online: May 30, 2023 Articles
Viewed 1009 time(s)

Total Canadian potato storage holdings on May 1, 2023 are down 1.2 percent over 2022 numbers for the same period, and higher than the 3-year average.

There were fresh shippers in both Canada and the U.S. that noticed a slow-down in sales after the Easter holiday in April, which bears out when we look at the disappearance figures by sector where we saw a decrease in movement in the fresh sector when compared to movement in April of last year.

The larger shipments were in processing (9 percent up over April 2022) and seed at 75.2 percent up over April of last year most likely due to a warmer and drier spring with producers pulling seed earlier as they are on-time for planting this year compared to last.

In total, growers shipped 12.8 million cwt of potatoes from storage in April 2023, an increase over March shipments of 11.6 million cwt and 16.7 percent higher than in April 2022 with the bulk of this increase coming out of the seed sector. In fresh many benefitted from good demand in April leading up to Easter but saw a slight decline the last two weeks of April, with shipments for the month overall down compared to March for all provinces except New Brunswick, Ontario and Alberta.

Other than Quebec and Manitoba, all provinces showed decreased movement of potatoes in the processing sector as well and all showed moderate to good movement of seed as growers prepared for planting, with a particularly large movement of seed out of Alberta.

Please see details in the reports below:

Canadian Potato Storage Total Holdings May 1 2023

Canadian Potato Storage Fresh Holdings May 1 2023

Canadian Potato Storage Processing Holdings May 1, 2023

Canadian Potato Storage Seed Holdings May 1 2023