The annual U of I Snake River Weed Management Tour and Field Day is scheduled next week on Tuesday, June 27 at the Aberdeen R&E Center in Aberdeen.
- Registration - 8:30 to 9 a.m.
- Tour – 9 a.m. to noon
- Followed by a sponsored lunch.
- You do not need to Pre-register / RSVP
Three Idaho pesticide recertification credits will be available.
E-mail with questions.
Featured On The Aberdeen R&E Center Tour
- Herbicide weed control and potato variety tolerance
- Herbicide Incorporation Timing
- Resistance management: Herbicide tank mixtures with overlapping sites of action (SOA) controlling the same weed species
- Simulated Excess Rainfall Effects on Herbicides and Potato Crop Safety
- Herbicide SOA injury demonstration
- Specialty crop herbicide management and tolerance – quinoa and fiber hemp (How will these crops fit into potato rotations?)
In Addition - Updates From:
- Idaho potato variety breeding and development
- Potato disease management
- Cropping Systems
- Barley Agronomics
- Small grain projects
- PCN research
The UI Kimberly Snake River Weed Management Tour and Field Day is the next day, June 28. Registration is from 8-9 a.m. with the tour beginning at 9 a.m. Three Idaho pesticide recertification credits available. For more information, contact Albert Adjesiwor,