Potatoes Heading Down The Home Stretch Across U.S.

Published online: Aug 22, 2023 Articles
Viewed 629 time(s)

The USDA NASS has provided an update on the U.S. potato crop in its weekly crop progress report (https://www.nass.usda.gov/). Here’s a sample of what the latest report showed.

OregonThe report shows 18 percent of Oregon’s 2023 potato crop has been harvested thus far, up a little from the 14 percent last week. The five-year average of what has been harvested by this time of year is 31 percent, so the state is a little behind its average.

WashingtonJust to the north, 16 percent of the potato crop has been harvested in Washington. That’s up from 9 percent a week ago but down from the five-year average of 22 percent.

IdahoThings are just getting rolling in Idaho with 2 percent of the 2023 crop having been harvested. That’s a modest increase of 1 percent from a week ago and half of the five-year 4 percent average.

North Dakota – The NASS report shows that 11 percent of the crop is rated as very poor and another 15 percent as poor. Forty-one percent is rated as fair and another 30 percent as good. Three percent of the crop is rated as excellent.

ColoradoForty-three percent of the potato crop outside Colorado’s San Luis Valley has been harvested. That’s up from the 38 percent a week ago and well above the five-year average of 6 percent. The potato crop outside San Luis Valley is rated as 83 percent good, down from 93 percent a week ago. Another 15 percent is rated as fair and 2 percent poor.

Inside the San Luis Valley, 25 percent of the crop is rated as excellent and 45 percent as good. Twenty percent is rated as fair and 10 percent as poor.

Michigan -  NASS reports that high humidity and heavy dew has led to the development of early blight on potatoes in some areas.

MinnesotaMinnesota comes away with a good potato crop report from last week with 25 percent rated as excellent and another 59 percent as good. Fifteen percent was rated as fair and another 1 percent as poor but none as very poor.

Ten percent of the crop has been harvested, up from 4 percent a week ago and about right on the five-year average of 12 percent.

Maine -  Maine also had a good report for last week with 10 percent of the potato crop rated as excellent and another 59 percent rated as good. Thirty-one percent was rated as fair with none rated as poor or very poor.

Meanwhile, 26 percent has been harvested, up from 21 percent a week ago and well above the five-year average of 5 percent.

AlaskaOne of the best potato reports comes from Alaska where 65 percent of the crop is rated as excellent and 20 percent as good. The final 15 percent is rated as fair with none rated as poor or very poor.

WisconsinEighteen percent of the potato crop has been harvested, which is right on the average for this time of year.

New YorkNearly a quarter of the potato crop (24 percent) has been harvested thus far, up from 14 percent from a week ago.