Nichino America, Sipcam Agro Sign Cross-Licensing Agreement

Published online: Sep 18, 2023 Articles
Viewed 660 time(s)

Wilmington, DE (AgPR) – Nichino America, Inc. and Sipcam Agro have announced a cross-licensing agreement that is set to improve the crop protection offerings in the United States mutually for each company.

Under the terms of this partnership, Sipcam Agro has granted Nichino exclusive distribution rights for their Cymoxanil + Propamocarb fungicide (Eject) in the state of California. This strategic alliance grants Nichino access to a highly effective downy mildew fungicide for use in a variety of key vegetable crops. Adding a new disease control product for downy mildew strengthens the Nichino portfolio and provides a new offering for their growers.

In return for this exclusive distribution opportunity, Nichino is affording Sipcam Agro early access entry to Buprofezin 70 DF/WDG insect growth regulator formulations (OdezaTM, SussexTM), which provide highly effective, long-lasting control of nymphal and crawler stages of several pests on many key crops. The symbiotic collaboration aligns the strengths of both suppliers to deliver more robust crop protection solutions to specialty crop growers in the United States.

“We are thrilled to join forces with Nichino America in this cross-licensing endeavor,” remarks Brent Marek, CEO/COO at Sipcam Agro. “This agreement not only solidifies our commitment to advancing agricultural productivity but also underscores the profound impact of strategic partnerships in driving the growth of the industry.”

Nichino America is equally enthusiastic about the strategic implications of this agreement. “Our early access partnership with Sipcam Agro for Buprofezin 70 DF/WDG insect growth regulator formulations is a significant step towards expanding the market share of this vital active ingredient in the United States,” says Dustin Simmons, President of Nichino America, Inc. “Moreover, the access to Cymoxanil + Propamocarb fungicide allows us to offer farmers in California a powerful, dual mode-of-action solution for downy mildew control, confirming our commitment to agricultural excellence,” he adds.