Bayer Announces EPA Approval of Velum Rise Fungicide/Nematicide

Velum Rise helps potato growers start their season on the rise

Published online: Nov 13, 2023 New Products
Viewed 758 time(s)

St. Louis – Bayer announces the EPA approval of Velum Rise fungicide/nematicide for the suppression of Rhizoctonia, black dot, nematodes and other soilborne diseases. With two active ingredients, penflufen and fluopyram, Velum Rise offers early-season protection to help establish potato crops and enhance yield potential.

Soilborne diseases such as Rhizoctonia and black dot can have serious implications for growers' profits as the diseases result not only in yield losses but also in damage to the quality of the potatoes. The two active ingredients in Velum Rise help protect the tubers from damaging effects such as lesions, leaving fresh market growers with cleaner and healthier potatoes.

"We are excited to add Velum Rise to our Bayer 75-Day IPM potato portfolio, providing a new tool for potato growers to maximize their yields. This product was designed specifically for potato growers to address some of the key diseases they face like Rhizoctonia and black dot," says Jeff Baxter, product manager — fruit and vegetables. "As a fully trade-enabled product, this new tool is ready for the 2024 planting season to combat nematodes and suppress key diseases."

Velum Rise can be used as an in-furrow application, or it can be soil applied pre-plant. Its efficacy has been field tested, and the results have shown just how beneficial Velum Rise can be for potato growers.

"Field trials have demonstrated consistent increases in total and marketable yield with Velum Rise applied in-furrow compared to nontreated controls," says Mitch Bauske, technology development representative for crop protection at Bayer. "Our product is aimed at providing growers with the biggest possible boost in yield, tuber quality, and economic return. This formulation provides these benefits through early-season disease management and nematode suppression with a single application."

Additional trial data has determined that Velum Rise fungicide/nematicide can suppress both plant and tuber symptoms of Rhizoctonia and black dot, resulting in effective management of multiple phases of disease.

Velum Rise is an eligible product within the Bayer PLUS Potato program, helping growers earn cash-back rewards.

Visit the Bayer PLUS Potato program website to learn more.

Visit to discover more about the science behind Velum Rise and learn how to start your potato growing season on the rise.