Lamb Weston Celebrates Grand Opening Of Greenfield Facility In Ulanqab, Inner Mongolia, China

Published online: Nov 08, 2023 Articles
Viewed 605 time(s)

Eagle, Idaho -- Members of the executive team of Lamb Weston Holdings, Inc. joined with distinguished guests today to celebrate the grand opening of the company’s new processing facility in Ulanqab, Inner MongoliaChina.

The facility, located in what’s known as China’s Potato Capital, has the capacity to produce 250 million pounds of frozen potato products annually. The additional capacity will provide the company with added flexibility to meet growing customer demand in the region. The company has operated a manufacturing facility in Shangdu, Inner Mongolia, since 2014, and has a sales office in Shanghai.

Built to Lamb Weston’s industry-leading standards, the facility features the latest equipment to support employee safety, food safety and quality, and sustainability. The company invested approximately $250 million in the facility which adds more than 240 jobs to the local economy.

“This investment demonstrates Lamb Weston’s commitment to growing our business in China,” said President and CEO Tom Werner. “The new facility is the result of the hard work and dedication of many team members, and I’m proud of their accomplishments.”