Wisconsin Farm Bureau Launches WisGO Team

Published online: Nov 19, 2023 Articles Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation
Viewed 527 time(s)

Wisconsin Farm Bureau is offering a new advocacy initiative for its members. Applications for Wisconsin Farm Bureau’s inaugural WisGO Team are now open.

WisGO Team members are advocates and thought leaders on issues impacting agriculture. These members will serve as influential and authoritative individuals to be called upon for media interviews, legislative testimony and social media advocacy.

The WisGO Team is Wisconsin Farm Bureau’s first line of contact when speaking on agricultural issues. Members of the WisGO Team will develop a skillset to effectively interact with media representatives as well as educate and influence others on prominent issues impacting agriculture. Members will learn effective strategies to share their stories to a broad audience through multiple media platforms.

Voting members of Wisconsin Farm Bureau with a willingness to step forward and be involved with lawmakers, media and consumers are eligible and encouraged to apply.

Fifteen individuals will be selected to serve on this year’s WisGO Team. Selected individuals will participate in four educational sessions throughout the year:

  • February – Media training at the WFBF Office in Madison
  • April – Virtual issues update
  • July – Policy development review and issue updates at the WFBF Office in Madison
  • October – Virtual issues update

WisGO Team members serve as official spokespersons for Farm Bureau and agriculture issues. Throughout the program, participants will gain a deeper understanding of agricultural issues, expand their network with fellow farmers and agriculturists across the state and be a voice for Wisconsin agriculture.

Applications are now open and will close on Friday, December 8. Please visit bit.ly/WisGOteam to apply.