Growing & Marketing Specialty Potato Varieties Presentation Scheduled In Maine

Published online: Jan 05, 2024 Articles
Viewed 679 time(s)

Recent developments in consumer interest and demand for fresh-market potato varieties with novel size, shape, color, and taste profiles are creating unique market opportunities for specialty crop producers.

How can growers capitalize on this trend and produce these farm products sustainably?

Join us for a presentation and roundtable discussion to learn more about the growing and marketing practices utilized in the production of specialty potato varieties in Maine.

UMaine Extension Farm Business Management Educator, Brett Johnson, will deliver a presentation describing best practices in the cultivation of specialty potato varieties. This presentation will be followed by a roundtable discussion where commercial specialty potato producers are encouraged to share about their experiences marketing these products. Information gathered will inform the University of Maine’s ongoing potato variety trialing efforts.

Who should attend: Commercial farmers with an interest in producing specialty potato varieties, commercial farmers currently producing specialty potato varieties, new and beginning farmers exploring market opportunities.

The Presenter: UMaine Extension Farm Business Management Educator Brett Johnson

When: Monday, January 22, 2024

Time: 4-6 p.m.

WhereUniversity of Maine Cooperative Extension Office, 922 Waterville Road, Waldo, Maine 04915

Fee: Free  Register Here

Donations are welcome but not required. Light refreshments provided.