Registration Open For 2024 Montana’s Next Generation Conference, Set For Jan. 27 In Shelby

Published online: Jan 10, 2024 Articles
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Bozeman — Registration is now open for the 2024 Montana’s Next Generation Conference in Shelby, which offers 35 workshops for beginning and advanced producers. Montana State University Extension and NACDC Financial Services, Inc. will host the conference at Shelby High School on Saturday, Jan. 27.

Participants can choose from six different workshops being held during each hour of the conference. Topics include recordkeeping, market outlooks, marketing, crop and livestock production, succession planning, labor options and business management. Pesticide applicator credits for the conference are pending approval.

The workshops include:

  • Attorney Clint Fischer will deliver workshops about succession planning while incorporating his South Dakota farming background. One workshop is designed for producers seeking to begin their careers in agriculture. Another workshop will focus on how to ensure a smooth transition in the estate planning process.
  • Vanessa Bucklin, licensed agent for Pondera County Insurance, will cover how life insurance, long-term care insurance and investments can facilitate a successful transition plan for a farming operation.
  • Korey Fauque, a Sunburst-area farmer and crop insurance agent, will present a workshop on the regenerative agriculture he has incorporated into his integrated operation. Fauque will discuss his operation and provide insight into crop insurance planning for 2024.
  • Kate Vogel, North 40 Ag seed adviser, will discuss cover crop mixes and how they can be used in drought conditions.
  • Chouteau County Extension Agent Tyler Lane will present about grasshopper outlook and control measures for range and crop situations.
  • Jamie Birch, operator of MT Ag, will discuss the use of pulse crops in rotations and their benefits.
  • Hayes Goosey, Extension forage specialist, will highlight how to improve hay forage production.
  • Joel Farkell, crop consultant and owner of Centroll LLC, will provide an update on noxious weeds, including identification and control.
  • Rachel Endecott, rancher and owner of Grey Horse Consulting, will discuss livestock reproduction and factors that impacted 2023 breed-back rates.
  • Kari Lewis, Glacier County Extension agent, will present on using expected progeny differences, or EPDs, within bull selection.
  • Britney Tempel, CPA and tax manager with Montana Roots Accounting, will present on understanding profit versus taxes.
  • Lacy Roberts, Glacier County Farm Service Agency farm loan manager, will present financial management workshops on production and financial recordkeeping.
  • Samantha Brooks, relationship manager with AgWest Farm Credit, will present on protecting your balance sheet.
  • Amber Widhalm, vice president of Big Sky Labor Solutions, will examine labor options and what it takes to bring in workers through the H2A and H2B process.
  • Jane Wolery of Sterling Solutions will discuss agricultural enthusiasm and how to manage a business effectively.
  • Kirk Donsbach, commodity trader with StoneX, will provide a livestock and crop 2024 market outlook.
  • Karoline Rose, owner of KRose Company, will provide a 2024 livestock marketing outlook and discuss how producers can add dollars to their bottom line. An online marketing discussion for individuals who direct market products will follow.
  • Great Falls area resource conservationist Laurie Massar, business and cooperative programs director for USDA Rural Development Lad Barney, and Chouteau County Farm Service Agency executive director Bill Evans will present on how to work with their agencies and provide general updates from the past year. The workshop is in response to continued interest in programs available through the USDA, especially those related to the Inflation Reduction Act.
  • Travis Clark and Holly Hovland of Leavitt Great West Insurance Services will discuss general liability policies and what items producers should include in their policies to minimize their operations’ risks.
  • Errol Rice, U.S. market leader for Ranchers Insurance, will discuss how Livestock Risk Protection and Pasture, Rangeland and Forage policies may work for ranch operations.
  • Brian Lee, shareholder with Lee Law Office, will lead a workshop on land issues, including what it means to legally attach something of record to a property, whether that be a first right of refusal, easement, mortgage or another encumbrance.
  • Carissa McNamara, membership ambassador with Montana Farmers Union, will share about agritourism and her own operation. McNamara and Shannon Arnold, MSU assistant professor of agricultural education, will discuss what they have learned through the Montana Agritourism Program.

Farm Service Agency borrowers can complete their training requirements by attending six workshops and completing an evaluation.

For more information on conference topics and the agenda, as well as information about registration, visit Paper registration forms are available at MSU Extension county offices. For registration information, contact Kari Lewis at or 406-873-2239.

Early registration discounts are available through Jan. 17. Final registration deadline is Jan. 23. Best Western of Shelby has a block of rooms reserved for $99.99 per night, and Comfort Inn of Shelby has single rooms for $89 and double rooms for $94 per night. Participants should mention “Montana’s Next Generation Conference” for the discounted rate.

Persons with disabilities who require accommodations to attend this event should contact Lacy Roberts at (406) 873-5618, ext. 2, or Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339 by Jan. 18, 2024.

Contact: Kari Lewis, or (406) 873-2239.