Bracket Challenge Benefiting Potato LEAF

Published online: Feb 29, 2024 Articles Potatoes USA
Viewed 721 time(s)

Join the excitement and face off against fellow members of the potato industry in our thrilling 4th annual Bracket Challenge, all for the benefit of Potato LEAF! Simply make a $50 donation to secure your entry into both the Men's and Women's NCAA brackets.

 The top three bracket winners in each tournament will proudly claim a unique basketball-shaped potato trophy.

 Get ready to make your predictions, as the link to complete your brackets on ESPN's website will be delivered on Selection Sunday (March 17).

 Feel free to increase your chances by submitting additional bracket entries – just remember, each one requires a separate email address/registration. Let the games begin! 


 About Potatoes LEAF

The Potato Leadership, Education, and Advancement Foundation (Potato LEAF) is a 501(c)3 organization launched by the industry in January 2020 to provide tools, training, and support necessary to develop growers and industry members as leaders.

Potato LEAF also encourages members to commit their time and energy to the betterment of the U.S. potato industry. The organization supports the cultivation of future leaders through three key programs: leadership development, educational training, and advancement opportunities.