Comprehensive School IPM Training Workshop Dates Announced In Maine

Published online: Feb 13, 2024 Articles
Viewed 497 time(s)

These trainings will cover all materials needed in order to complete the Comprehensive IPM Exam. You can find all trainings and information on the Training and Events Page of the school IPM website. You are welcome to attend if you are looking to gain continuing education credits as well.

There are three opportunities in the coming months to attend an in-person Comprehensive IPM Training:




February 21

8:00 AM – 11:30 AM

School Comprehensive IPM Training in Naples

April 17

8:00 AM – 11:30 AM

School Comprehensive IPM Training in East Millinocket

June 27

Timing TBD

School Comprehensive IPM Training in Waterville (EPMA Conference)

 All school IPM Coordinators are required to:

  1. Complete the Initial Training Module within 30 days of appointment
  2. Complete the Comprehensive IPM Training
  3. Annually obtain at least one hour of BPC-approved continuing education

These trainings qualify for items No. 2 or No. 3 on this list (upon completion of the online IPM Coordinator Comprehensive Exam), and all participants should come having already taken the initial training module.

If you plan to attend the February workshop, register before Monday, February 19. Registrants will receive an agenda and directions via email on February 20.

Register Today!