Potato Sustainability Alliance 2023 Grower Community Benchmarks

Published online: Feb 19, 2024 Articles
Viewed 634 time(s)

In the PSA Program, 420 growers across North America, representing 589,120 potato acres, completed our on-farm self assessment for the 2023 crop year. Our program uses the Sustainable Outcomes in Agriculture Standard and Cropwise Sustainability app as the self-assessment tool to provide insights and measure performance overtime. 

Growers who completed the self-assessment joined a community of peers to share and receive sustainability insights through a Benchmark Report. Insights in the report reflect management practices implemented by the grower, as identified in their self-assessment, compared to other participating growers in the same region: West, Midwest, or East.

The attached graphics offer an overview of the community groups in which key on-farm sustainability practices and suggested opportunities for improvement are pulled from.

For more information, visit https://potatosustainability.org/.