Ashton Potato Grower Clen Atchley (1944-2024) Obituary

Published online: Mar 19, 2024 Articles
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Clen Preston Atchley was born June 10, 1944, in Rexburg, Idaho to Preston and Bonnie Mathis Atchley. He was the youngest of their three children and lived his life on the family farm east of Ashton. He attended school in Ashton and graduated from North Fremont High School in 1962.

It was surprising he made it through his younger years with his love of mischief and M80s. But he survived, and continued his schooling, graduating from the University of Idaho in 1966. He then joined the Army, serving in the Viet Nam war. His experiences there influenced much of the rest of his life. 

To read the rest of Atchley’s obituary, go here:

To read a feature Potato Grower Magazine wrote about the Atchleys, go here: