Dr. Kasia Duellman Discusses Foliar, Soil And Tuber-Borne Disease Management

Published online: May 10, 2024 Articles
Viewed 1396 time(s)

As part of the 2024 Idaho Potato Conference and Ag Expo, Dr. Kasia Duellman, along with Dr. Phil Wharton, made a presentation titled, “Foliar, Soil and Tuber-Borne Disease Management.”

The two University of Idaho researchers covered how to recognize certain diseases, how to best manage them and what to do when there is fungicide resistance, among other topics related to their presentation.

Duellman was the first of the two to present at the conference, followed by Wharton.

Part of her presentation included ideas on how to manage Fusarium dry rot prior to and after planting. Here suggestions included:

Before and At Planting

  • Select high-quality certified seed
  • Promote wound healing once seed arrives
  • Warm seed tubers (min. 50 degrees F) before handling and cutting
  • If cutting seed, remove rotten tubers before cutting; make sure knives are sharp; disinfect equipment often
  • Use optimal protectant fungicide seed treatments at labeled rates
  • If fungicide seed treatments are not an option, use whole seed
  • Plant in soils conducive for rapid potato growth

At Harvest

  • Harvest when skins are set and when pulp temperatures are at least 50 degrees F
  • Minimize bruising
  • If fungicides are used, ensure thorough coverage of tubers and use labeled rate
  • Promote wound healing: ~55 degrees F, high air flow, high humidity (>90 percent)
  • Slowly ramp down to final storage temperature to prevent condensation; store as cool as possible

To see Duellman’s portion of the presentation, go here: https://fb.watch/rZ08j_IEPN/.