Late May Crop Update For Potatoes From Across The U.S.

Published online: May 29, 2024 Articles
Viewed 745 time(s)

The USDA NASS has provided an update on the U.S. potato crop in its weekly crop progress report ( for last week. Here’s a sample of what the latest report showed.

Oregon – The NASS reports that 80 percent of the crop has emerged, an increase of 18 percent from the week prior (62 percent). The five-year average for this time of year is 71 percent.

The report also shows that 38 percent of the potato crop is in fair condition with another 31 percent in good condition. Twenty-seven percent of the crop is rated as being in excellent condition. Two percent is listed as in very poor condition and another two percent as in poor condition.

Washington – Just to the north in Washington, 89 percent of the potatoes have emerged, up from 78 percent a week ago. The five-year average is 64 percent so this year’s crop is well ahead of that.

When it comes to the crop’s condition, 90 percent is rated as in good condition, 9 percent as fair and the other 1 percent as in poor condition.

Idaho – The NASS shows 80 percent of the 2024 crop having been planted, an increase of just 2 percent from a week ago when it was 78 percent and behind last year’s planting, which stood at 88 percent.

The same report shows 31 percent of the potatoes have emerged, a slight jump from the 28 percent a week ago.

Wisconsin – Growers made progress last week with 94 percent of the crop planted, which is six days ahead of last year and one week ahead of the average.

Four percent of the crop is rated as excellent with 83 percent rated as good. The other 13 percent is rated fair.

Michigan – NASS reports that potato planting was almost complete in the state. And of those potatoes that have emerged, “many” were large enough to be hilled.

North Dakota – The report states 79 percent of the state’s potatoes have been planted, with 21 percent of that already emerged. The 79 percent planted is ahead of last year’s 70 percent and the average of 67 percent.

Minnesota – The state’s potato growers have 89 percent of the crop planted, which is well ahead of last year’s 75 percent at this time of the year and ahead of the five-year average, which is 80 percent. A week ago, 80 percent had been planted.

Colorado – Potatoes planted outside of the San Luis Valley stands at 70 percent, which is ahead of last year’s 63 percent. The five-year average is 84 percent. Of the potatoes planted, 21 percent have emerged, behind the five-year average of 42 percent.

Potatoes planted in the San Luis Valley stood at 86 percent last week, which is a bit behind where it was last year when it was 89 percent. The five-year average is 93 percent. The 86 percent is a big jump from a week ago, however, when 69 percent had been planted.

Maine – The NASS shows 60 percent of Maine’s potato crop has been planted, up from 45 percent a week ago. The five-year average is 52 percent at this time of year. Last year at this point of the planting season, 70 percent had been planted.

New York – Growers in New York have planted 33 percent of the potato crop, which is up from 18 percent a week ago, but behind last year’s 45 percent at this time of year.

Alaska - The NASS report shows Alaska potato planting stands at 90 percent, well ahead of the five-year average of 59 percent and very far ahead of last year's 44 percent planted at this time of the year.