Part Two: Dr. Phillip Wharton Discusses Foliar, Soil And Tuber-Borne Disease Management

Published online: May 10, 2024 Articles
Viewed 638 time(s)

Continuing with posting a presentation by Drs. Kasia Duellman and Phillip Wharton, here is Wharton’s part of the presentation.

The two made their presentation at the Idaho Potato Conference and Ag Expo earlier this year. The title of the presentation was “Foliar, Soil and Tuber-Borne Disease Management.”

The two University of Idaho researchers covered how to recognize certain diseases, how to best manage them and what to do when there is fungicide resistance, among other topics related to their presentation.

Wharton specifically covered bacterial diseases in potatoes, sharing common signs and symptoms along with best management practices.

The view Wharton’s portion of the presentation, go here:

Here is the link to the intro for Duellman’s part of the presentation The full portion of her presentation is here: