Markon First Crop Potato Report: Idaho Norkotah Stocks Will Be Gone By Late June

Published online: Jun 21, 2024 Articles Markon
Viewed 860 time(s)

Markon First Crop (MFC) ( recently released its produce snapshot detailing the availability of potatoes this summer. Of note, MFC Idaho Norkotah stocks will be depleted by late June; MFC Idaho Burbanks will be shipped thereafter and the Washington storage crop will run through mid-July.

Details include:


  • Non Norkotah supplies will run through mid- to late August.
  • 40- to 50-count supplies are extremely tight; six-week averages will be implemented for shipping large sizes through mid-August.
  • Supply is ample for 80- through 120-count stocks.


  • MFC Norkotah Potatoes continue to ship from storage.
  • Supplies will run out in mid-July, pushing demand toward suppliers with remaining stocks.
  • Profile is peaking on smaller sizes (90- through 120-count)


  • Norkotahs will wrap up mid- to late August.
  • Volume is plentiful for all sizes

California and Florida supplies will remain on the market through late June. Idaho growers will ship through July. New crop Arizona, North Carolina, and Texas harvests will start in early July. Most Northwest new crop production will get underway in mid- to late August.

MFC Red and Yellow Potatoes are available. Quality is very good.


Overall quality is good; air checks, pressure, and shoulder bruising will be seen sporadically in remaining storage supplies (both Norkotahs and Burbanks) from all growing regions.

Air checks are tiny thumbnail like cracks that are caused by stress due to abrupt temperatures

Pressure and shoulder bruising (soft, external indents) results from constant contact with adjacent potatoes, or the floor, while raw product sits in storage piles.