Sales Increased Across All Potato Categories in January-March 2024

Published online: Jun 04, 2024 Articles Potatoes USA
Viewed 559 time(s)

DenverU.S. retail sales volume of potatoes increased 5.6 percent in January–March 2024 compared to the same period last year, and dollar sales increased 4.4 percent, reaching nearly $4.6 billion. All categories of potatoes increased in both volume and dollar sales, indicating strong growth across the board.

All categories of potatoes increased in volume and dollar sales for the quarter, including:

  • Fresh: Dollar sales increased 0.6 percent; volume sales increased 7.6 percent
  • Frozen: Dollar sales increased 10.5 percent; volume sales increased 3.3 percent
  • Chips: Dollar sales increased 3.3 percent; volume sales increased 1.7 percent

The most significant sales volume increases in January-March were for deli-prepared sides (7.8 percent) and fresh potatoes (7.6 percent).

Dollar sales of fresh potatoes were nearly $1.1 billion, a 0.6 percent increase from the previous year. Fresh sales volume increased for all types except red (-3.3 percent) and white (-3.1 percent). Purple saw the highest sales volume increase (18.9 percent), followed by medley (11.5 percent), yellow (11.2 percent) and russet (10.8 percent). This is especially significant for russet and yellow potatoes, which make up 63 percent and 16 percent of fresh volume sales, respectively.

Dollar sales for fresh potatoes increased for purple (12.4 percent), medley (9 percent), yellow (8 percent), fingerling (3.4 percent), and petite (1.1 percent). Dollar sales decreased for red (-5.5 percent), white (-1.7 percent), and russet (-0.2 percent).

All pack sizes smaller than 10 pounds saw an increase in volume and dollar sales. The largest sales volume increase was for 8-pound bags (25.5 percent), followed by 10-pound bags (9.1 percent), 5-pound bags (8 percent), bags under 2 pounds (7.6 percent), and bags 2-4 pounds (4.2 percent). Bags greater than 10 pounds saw a decrease in volume sales (-25.8 percent). Bags weighing 10 pounds saw a 5.9 percent decrease in dollar sales, and those greater than 10 pounds saw a 36.8 percent decrease in dollar sales.

Circana (IRI) compiles these figures by working directly with retailers. Potatoes USA accepts no liability for the content of these reports or the consequences of any actions taken based on any information contained herein.

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