UW–Madison Agricultural Research Station Field Days For 2024 Season

Published online: Jun 24, 2024 Articles
Viewed 496 time(s)

Summer is field day season at the UW–Madison CALS Agricultural Research Stations. Over the course of the growing season, the stations host more than a dozen public events to share research updates and educational information with agricultural professionals, home gardeners and others.

Below is a list of the potato-related field day offerings. Events are free unless otherwise noted. Details for some field days are still being finalized. For continually updated information, visit the field day website at www.cals.wisc.edu/fielddays.

Stations will make a reasonable effort to provide accommodations for field day participants with disabilities when notified in advance. To request a disability accommodation, please contact ars_accommodation@cals.wisc.edu at least 10 days in advance of the event. Efforts will be made to meet same-day requests to the extent possible.

UW Potato Research Field Day – Hancock

  • July 11
  • 1 p.m.-5 p.m.
  • Hancock Agricultural Research Station, N3909 County Road V, Hancock, WI

This field day provides opportunities for growers and industry representatives to network and get research updates on potato projects. A dinner will be provided by the WPVGA. For more information, contact hancock@cals.wisc.edu.

Rhinelander Field Day

  • July 31
  • 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
  • Rhinelander Agricultural Research Station, 4181 Camp Bryn Afon Rd, Rhinelander, WI

At this summer’s field day, the station is partnering with LifeLink III, a non-profit medical flight company, which will host a helicopter flight demo (weather permitting) and give a short presentation on their mission. In addition, speakers will share updates on potato breeding research, managing potato insects, seed certification, and the station’s phytoremediation and pollinator projects.