Late Blight Confirmed In Two SW Ontario, Canada, Counties

Published online: Jul 12, 2024 Articles Michigan Potato Industry Commission
Viewed 595 time(s)

Late blight was found in southwestern Ontario potatoes (Elgin County) and field tomatoes (Kent County).

A brief update on late blight confirmations in Ontario, Canada, as summarized by Dr. Kutay Ozturk, Extension potato pathologist with the University of Maine:

“The strain on the potato infection was found to be US-23. This strain is highly aggressive on tomatoes (foliage and fruit) and potato tubers but less so on potato foliage. On tomatoes, US-23 produces much more sporangia than any other strain, which can be easily spread by wind.” Please see the links below for more information:

This information was shared with MPIC by Dr. Jaime Willbur of the Michigan State University Extension.

If anyone has questions on late blight, e-mail her at