Seed Symposium Attendees Learn About The “Promise Of The U.S. Potato Seed Market”

Published online: Aug 30, 2024 Articles
Viewed 606 time(s)

U.S. seed potatoes are a unique commodity for their exceptional quality, multiple varieties and stringent certification process. That was the message participants took away from the biannual Seed Symposium, hosted at Potatoes USA’s Denver headquarters in July.

Who Attended

Attendees included international growers interested in purchasing U.S. seed, as well as U.S. seed growers interested in learning about exporting seed as an additional revenue opportunity.

What They Took Away

Throughout the event, attendees discussed seed variety field trials, production training and the advantages of U.S. seed potatoes.

  • Potato industry speakers shared an overview of the National Potato Council, USDA’s Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), the Colorado Potato Administrative Committee, seed certification, potato breeding and the life of a U.S. seed farmer.
  • Representatives from Uruguay, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama and Guatemala also gave guest presentations.

Following the symposium, five international attendees split into two groups for a market trip either to North Carolina with seed consultant Peter Joyce or Washington state with seed consultant Saul Mercado.

What They’re Saying

Participants said the symposium and market trips were “very beneficial” because they learned about the seed certification process and how different varieties could be adapted and developed in their home markets. Participants said they found the farm visits particularly helpful because they could verify the quality of the seeds they were purchasing first-hand.