Nelson Irrigation TWIG-V Plus Wins Irrigation Association’s 2024 New Product Contest In Ag Irrigation Category

Published online: Nov 25, 2024 New Products
Viewed 334 time(s)

Walla Walla, Wash. – The TWIG-V Plus Wireless Solenoid integrates a 12 VDC latching solenoid with TWIG-V Wireless 900 MHz radio network compatibility, providing a truly wireless solution with no need for wire connections between the solenoid and RTU.

It is solar-powered with a rechargeable battery that can last up to five irrigation seasons. The system offers fast response times, with radio commands executed within three seconds. An optional SE "Switch Enabled" model can connect to a flow or pressure switch to verify valve operation. It features integrated mounting for 800 or 1000 Series Valves and an adaptable orifice to adjust valve reaction speed. The sealed enclosure protects the electronics from water exposure.

Most growers who successfully use an automated wireless control system report that the return on investment can be achieved in as little as one year, primarily due to labor savings. The TWIG-V Plus adds to this return on investment by combining two products - an RTU and a solenoid - in one -- a cost savings of approximately 40 percent.

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