New PHOSFORCE Nutrient Enhancer Unlocks Organic Phosphorus To Boost Crop Productivity And Soil Health

Published online: Dec 16, 2024 New Products
Viewed 436 time(s)

WichitaKS – Now farmers can access tied-up phosphorus in their soil through the new enzyme mode of action in PHOSFORCE nutrient enhancer from Koch Agronomic Services.

This novel phosphorus use efficiency product works immediately to create more plant-available phosphorus in soils, resulting in optimal crop root systems, increased yield and improved soil fertility and health in row crops and more.

Soils contain organic phosphorus which is tied up and unavailable to plants. PHOSFORCE uses a unique active ingredient — phosphodiesterase, a naturally occurring enzyme — to accelerate biochemical reactions in the soil and unlock tied-up organic phosphorus. This makes phosphorus more readily available for plant uptake to support healthy root development, improve vigor, and provide nutritional balance to overcome early environmental stress.

“When making nutrient management plans, growers are looking to use what’s already in their soil as a more efficient means to upgrading their crop productivity,” said Steve Coulter, Senior Vice President of Koch Agronomic Services. “PHOSFORCE offers growers a practical solution for increasing phosphorus use efficiency to ensure crops have the phosphorus needed during critical development stages to maximize yield potential.”   

One application of PHOSFORCE works immediately to provide several weeks of consistent phosphorus mineralization in the soil. This is because PHOSFORCE derives its performance from enzymes which do not need to grow, survive or propagate in the soil, resulting in immediate activity and predictable reactions, regardless of field conditions.

PHOSFORCE has been proven effective by many years of trial data to support its performance in improving soil health and crop productivity. In corn, tissue sampling results show corn treated with PHOSFORCE had 23 percent more phosphorus than untreated corn, and treated corn averaged a 5 bu/A yield advantage over untreated corn. In soybeans, yield advantages over untreated crops averaged 3.5 bu/A. In other crops, PHOSFORCE showed a 22.4 cwt/A yield gain in potatoes and a 57 lb/A yield increase in cotton. Additionally, when PHOSFORCE is applied, side-by-side root digs reveal improved lateral root formation for increased plant nutrient uptake, and soil tests show an overall increase in soil activity. 

PHOSFORCE is formulated to be a flexible and convenient addition to most crop production systems, with features that include:

  • A liquid solution compatible with commonly used herbicides, starter fertilizers, UAN products and water, making it easy to incorporate into current practices.
  • The ability to be applied on-the-surface, in the furrow, as a sidedress or through other applications such as fertigation.
  • A concentrated formulation that provides a two-year shelf life and versatility to target the ideal application for corn, soybeans, cotton, potatoes and other crops.

“Starting this spring, growers will have access to PHOSFORCE as a convenient and reliable solution to help their crops make the most of the phosphorus in their soil,” said Coulter.

For more information, visit PHOSFORCE nutrient enhancer.