North Dakota Fresh Market Potato Cultivar/Selection Trial Results For 2024

Published online: Dec 05, 2024 Articles Andy Robinson, Extension Potato Agronomist, NDSU/UMN, and Eric Brandvik, Research Specialist, NDSU
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Potato cultivars or selections included in this report were selected from recently released cultivars, advancing selections with release potential (numbered lines progressing through the trial process), or cultivars that are new to the U.S. Standard potato cultivars used by growers served as checks.

For comparison, studies conducted in 2019, 2020, and 2021evaluated several red and yellow-skinned fresh potatoes.

In 2024, two trials were conducted to identify traits of red- and yellow-skinned potato cultivars and advanced selections near Crystal, N.D. Thirteen red-skinned cultivars and 17 yellow-skinned cultivars were evaluated. Plots were established in a commercial, non-irrigated potato field utilizing common potato-production practices. The authors acknowledge J.G. Hall and Sons for hosting these trials.

Prior to planting, urea at 120 pounds of nitrogen (N) per acre was broadcast and incorporated. A randomized complete block design with four replicates was utilized. Seed tubers were hand cut to approximately 2-ounce seed pieces and suberized prior to planting.

Tubers were planted on June 10, 2024, in a single row with 9-inch within-row spacing. Plots were 3 feet wide and 30 feet long.

The number of emerged plants in the entire plot were counted to determine emergence rate. Stems per plant were determined by counting the number of stems on 10 plants in a row in each plot. Vines were killed with diquat on September 9 and 15. Plots were harvested on October 1 and 3, 2024 with a with a single-row lifter and thereafter bagged by hand.

After harvest, potatoes were stored at 55 degrees F until grading. The tuber size profile distribution was determined by sorting all potatoes harvested into C size (less than 1.875 inches), B size (1.875 to 2.25 inches), A size (2.25 to 3.5 inches) and Chef size (greater than 3.5 inches). Total yield is a summation of C + B + A + Chef.

The 2024 agronomic data presented in Tables 1 and 2 were analyzed statistically. These analyses allow the reader to ascertain, at a predetermined level of confidence, if the differences observed among cultivars/selections are reliable or if they might be due to error inherent in the experimental process.

The LSD (least significant difference) values beneath the columns apply only to the numbers in the column in which they appear. If the difference between two cultivars/selections exceeds the LSD value at 0.05 or 0.10, it means that with 95 percent or 90 percent confidence, respectively, the higher yielding cultivar/selection has a significant yield advantage. When the difference between two cultivars/selections is less than the LSD value, no significant difference was found between the two under these growing conditions.

The CV stands for coefficient of variation and is expressed as a percentage. The CV is a measure of variability in the trial. Large CVs mean a large amount of variation that could not be attributed to differences in the cultivars/selections.

The data provided does not indicate endorsement or approval by the authors, or NDSU Extension or University of Minnesota Extension. Reproduction of the tables is permissible if presented with all the same information found in this publication (meaning no portion is deleted and the order of the data is not rearranged).

The authors acknowledge the contribution of cultivars and advanced selections for this work from public and private breeding programs and industry partners.