The University of Maine Extension is offering a webinar focused on growing and marketing specialty potato varieties.
It’s scheduled for Thursday, March 27 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and is a virtual webinar.
Register here
Recent developments in consumer interest and demand for fresh-market potato varieties with novel size, shape, color, and taste profiles are creating unique market opportunities for specialty crop producers.
Join University of Maine Cooperative Extension Sustainable Agriculture Educator, Brett Johnson for a presentation describing growing and marketing practices in specialty potato production in Maine followed by a report on the results of the 2024 Organic Specialty Potato Variety Trial conducted at Rogers Farm Forage and Crop Research Facility in Old Town, ME. Registration is required.
Who should attend: Commercial farmers with an interest in producing specialty potato varieties, commercial farmers currently producing specialty potato varieties, new and beginning farmers exploring market opportunities.
The Presenter: UMaine Extension Farm Business Management Educator, Brett Johnson
Fee: Free
Location: Online via Zoom. The Zoom link will be provided the day before the event.