Videos Educate Growers on Soft Rot Management

Published online: Apr 23, 2019 Articles Noah Rosenzweig, Saltanat Mambetova, James DeDecker, Monica Jean &Frederick Springborn
Viewed 1479 time(s)
Source: Michigan State University Extension

Potato production in Michigan is ranked seventh (~$200 million) in the U.S. Approximately 70 percent of the potatoes produced in Michigan goes towards chipping. Potato production systems are impacted annually by many recurrent and persistent seedborne and storage diseases. Dickeya and Pectobacterium are closely related bacteria species that cause seed piece decay, blackleg, aerial stem rot and wilt, and tuber soft rot.

A new video series was developed to educate potato growers, stakeholders and the general public about bacterial diseases of potato. The first video is an overview of diseases caused by soft rot bacteria, the second video is focused on disease management at planting, the third video is focused on management over the growing season and finally disease management at harvest and in storage. The videos can be viewed below:

These educational videos were developed in partnership with the Michigan Potato Industry Commission (MPIC), Michigan Seed Potato AssociationMichigan State University AgBio Research, and MSU Extension. The video is part of a series to provide information on how to better manage diseases of potato caused by soft rot bacteria supported by the United States Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture, MSU Extension, MPIC, MSU Project GREEEN, MSU AgBioResearch and MSU Extension.

For more information on disease symptoms, disease cycle and post-harvest management strategies, refer to the MSU Extension bulletin E-3335, “Tuber Soft Rot, Blackleg and Aerial Stem Rot