Pesticides Buyers’ Guide

Published online: May 01, 2019 Articles, Insecticide, New Products
Viewed 3597 time(s)
This buyers' guide appears in the May 2019 issue of Potato Grower.

Tiny animal pests have long been the bane of potato growers. They’re out there, you can see them, and they’re always going to be. Thankfully, you have some help.

Always read and follow label instructions. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your state or local extension service to ensure registration status.


Marrone Bio Innovations

(509) 737-7466


Majestene (Burkholderia spp. strain A396) offers growers an effective choice in a dwindling selection of nematode management tools. It is a powerful—yet worker-friendly and tolerance-exempt—species-selective bionematicide with activity against eggs, juveniles and adult lesion, root knot, dagger, stunt, reniform and soybean cyst nematodes. Majestene protects the plant from yield-robbing nematodes, thereby promoting stronger, healthier roots and more robust yields.



(269) 372-3108


Designed to be non-toxic to beneficials, fish, honey bees and mammals, Vestaron’s Spear brand family provides new technology with a unique mode of action in a biological solution equal to—and often better than—the synthetic options. Spear products provide growers the opportunity to incorporate a new IRAC group, 32, into rotation recommendations for resistance management.

Spear-Lep is a bioinsecticide for fruits, vegetables and high-value crops in the field and greenhouses. Targeting lepidopteran and coleopteran pests such as loopers, worms, caterpillars and beetles, field trials of Spear-Lep demonstrate results of equivalency or superiority to conventional insecticides with a desirable environmental profile including four-hour REI and 0 PHI, as well as a caution label. The Spear brand family is the initial product line of Vestaron’s planned lineup utilizing a proprietary peptide program.

Oro Agri

(559) 442-4996


PREV-AM is a three-in-one insecticide, fungicide and miticide. It is a contact pesticide that can be applied throughout the season without danger of resistance buildup and is perfect for controlling pre-harvest insect and disease infestations. With a short REI and PHI, PREV-AM is a versatile alternative to conventional pesticides and is ideal for IPM and sustainable farming practices.

The desiccating properties of PREV-AM result in quick knockdown of insects and mites, typically within two to 24 hours. The water-repellent layer protecting most insects loses its effectiveness when contacted by a PREV-AM application. This allows the active ingredient to penetrate and destroy the soft, living tissues underneath. The insects and mites are then exposed to the loss of body fluids, causing death.

As a fungicide, the PREV-AM spray solution breaks down the protective membranes of the superficial fungal mycelia (hyphae) and spores, allowing the active ingredient to penetrate and destroy the living tissues underneath. This exposes the organism to the drying effect of the atmosphere and causes collapse within two to 24 hours. Plant tissue damaged by the fungus may also dry out and prevent further spread of infection, but healthy tissue is not affected at the recommended application rate.




Minecto Pro

A broad-spectrum, foliar insecticide, Minecto Pro controls the most important potato pests including Colorado potato beetles and potato psyllids. By harnessing the power of two complementary active ingredients, cyantraniliprole and abamectin, into one convenient pre-mix formulation, Minecto Pro offers exceptional control of these difficult-to-manage pests.


Besiege insecticide, which contains the active ingredients chlorantraniliprole and lambda-cyhalothrin, is a broad-spectrum foliar insecticide providing fast knockdown and long-lasting residual control of a wide range of pests in potatoes, including armyworms, Colorado potato beetle and potato psyllid.


Huma Gro

(800) 961-1220


Huma Gro Promax is a broad-spectrum, soil-applied fungicide and nematicide used as a preventive and curative agent. OMRI-listed and EPA-exempt, Promax can be applied at any point in the growing season. It doesn’t keep growers out of the field and is not harmful to roots. Promax has no restricted use and no buffer zones, re-entry intervals or residues. It is compatible with most other inputs, making it an ideal product for tank-mix strategies and rotation programs.

With Promax, growers are working toward the long term and not burning out soil for quick results. When a program is implemented that combines Huma Gro Zap seven to 10 days after the final Promax treatment, a beneficial soil biology is stimulated that will sustain fields for future crops.

Proud 3

Huma Gro Proud 3 is an organic-listed crop protection product. It is a safe and effective, foliar-applied insecticide, miticide and fungicide. Its mode of action is as a contact killer. As an insecticide, it works best on soft-bodied insects or on juveniles of hard-bodied species.

Proud 3 directly affects soft-bodied insects and mites, provides excellent control against fungal and bacterial diseases in crops, and activates natural defense mechanisms in plants. It offers proven control of some human pathogens found on crops and is safe for crops, humans and the environment. Proud 3 is fast-acting upon contact, and its fungicidal effect work against all types of fungal spores. The product’s natural chemistry has no documented cross-resistance. It has zero-day restricted entry and pre-harvest intervals.


FMC Agricultural Solutions

(215) 299-6000  

FMC Potato Portfolio

FMC has an expanded portfolio offering a full lineup of products to help protect potato growers’ crops.

Beleaf 50 SG insecticide targets piercing and sucking pests and stops them from feeding within 30 minutes. Working by ingestion or contact, it disrupts an insect’s nervous system and its ability to feed, while having a low impact on many important beneficial insects.

Coragen insect control powered by Rynaxypyr active handles immature and adult stages of key Lepidopetran pests, delivering fast and long-lasting control to rapidly paralyze insects after application.

Exirel insect control powered by Cyazypyr active offers unique, cross-spectrum activity on a broad spectrum of pests including aphids, psyllids and Colorado potato beetles while also having a low impact on beneficials.

Avaunt insecticide offers fast-acting protection from yield-robbing pests like European corn borers and Colorado potato beetles while having short re-entry and pre-harvest intervals. 


Bayer CropScience

(866) 992-2937

V+M Solution

V+M Solution is a nematode management program that combines the wide-spectrum nematicidal activity of Velum Prime with the sustained in-season nematode protection of Movento to guard against nematodes. Both Velum Prime and Movento are easy to handle, can be integrated with existing in-season crop management systems and offer the additional benefits of disease and insect management.

Additionally, V+M. Velum Prime nematicide is a solution for nematode and disease management and should be applied early in the potato-growing season via overhead chemigation to help provide higher yields through suppression of nematodes and disease. Velum Prime has been shown to be effective against a wide range of plant-parasitic nematodes with its unique mode of action.

Movento insecticide provides protection from nematodes through convenient in-season applications that improve crop quality and return on investment. When sprayed on the leaf surface, Movento penetrates the leaf cuticle, where it becomes fully mobile within the plant. Movento then moves from the leaves to the roots. After being exposed to Movento, juvenile stage nematodes are no longer able to develop, thereby reducing populations.


BioSafe Systems

(860) 290-8890

BioCeres WP Bioinsecticide

BioCeres WP is an insect-pathogenic bioinsecticide that makes use of the Beauveria bassiana fungus. The OMRI-listed ANT-03 strain is approved for organic production and is perfectly suited in IPM programs, in a tank mix with other pesticides as well as in specific, stand-alone uses. It is a sustainable natural option for controlling adult insects in potato crops.

BioCeres WP is used for the biological control of numerous pests including whiteflies, aphids and thrips. This insect-pathogenic bio-insecticide penetrates the insect’s cuticle, infecting the host and causing death.

Tank mix BioCeres WP with AzaGuard, BioSafe’s 3 percent Azadirachtin-based insecticide, to gain control of early lifecycle stages. AzaGuard acts as an insect growth regulator to prevent molting between larval, pupal and nymphal stages, reducing infestations in potato crops.