Fight Soil-borne Disease with Strike

Published online: Sep 17, 2019 Articles, Fungicide, New Products
Viewed 1962 time(s)

Potatoes are prone to a lot of disease. Over 50 years of use have proven Strike’s active ingredient–chloropicrin–suppresses soil borne disease.

Strike helps manage:

  • Verticillium wilt
  • Common scab
  • Black dot
  • Pythium
  • Rhizoctonia

New studies have confirmed that Strike acts as a selective agent, allowing beneficial microorganisms to flourish. No current practice in potato production provides more benefits than soil fumigation with Strike. Those benefits include:

  • Extensive, healthy root system
  • Earlier growth
  • Improved nutrient utilization
  • Reduced rotation length
  • Higher marketable yields
To better understand the benefits of Strike on potatoes, contact Jason Rainer in the Pacific Northwest at (509) 731-5424, or Radd Farbo in Idaho at (208) 819-4942.