Virtual Tractor Parade to Continue Tradition

Published online: Apr 09, 2020 Articles, Event Calendar
Viewed 2164 time(s)
The 2020 California Antique Farm Equipment Show has been canceled due to COVID-19 concerns, but organizers will continue one of the most beloved show features, the tractor parade, through virtual means.
While the family-friendly event will not go on in-person this year, International Agri-Center staff and show chairman Tony Ramos are calling for show participants, tractor enthusiasts, farmers and ag companies to send in photos and histories of their vintage equipment. The images and stories will then be shared on all International Agri-Center and World Ag Expo social media channels starting Friday, April 17.
To have your antique tractor, engine, farm truck, implement, or other ag related equipment featured in the virtual parade, please send the following information to
  • Picture or video of equipment (more than one entry is encouraged)
  • Short history of equipment, including make, model and year
  • Optional: Your name and social media handles
Posts will be scheduled between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. PST on Friday, April 17; Saturday, April 18; and Sunday, April 19. To follow the virtual parade, please visit any of the following social media channels:              
  • Facebook           International Agri-Center or World Ag Expo
  • Twitter                @IntlAgriCenter or @WorldAgExpo
  • Instagram           @internationalagricenter
  • Linked In             International Agri-Center