Wealth of Information

Published online: Nov 04, 2020 Articles, Irrigation, New Products Reinke Manufacturing
Viewed 2062 time(s)
This article appears in the November 2020 issue of Potato Grower.

Advanced soil sensors provide data to a precision irrigation system to create the world’s finest irrigation scheduling tools. Thanks to a partnership between two ag industry leaders, that’s what growers can look forward to in their fields next spring.

“This partnership is a good thing for farmers,” says Rob Mraz, regional sales manager with Delta Irrigation in Medicine HatAlberta.

With the irrigation systems and technology from Reinke Manufacturing and the agricultural analytics and soil sensing of CropX, growers in North American and more than 40 countries will have integrated technology and support to improve yields, efficiencies and profitability.

Mraz and his team are looking forward to sharing the affordable CropX soil sensors with their Reinke irrigation customers. They believe it will be a great value to all their customers, but especially to those who grow high-value crops like potatoes.

By Farmers, For Farmers

The partnership unites two companies who believe the most effective ag equipment and technology is built by farmers.

“Both Reinke and CropX are rooted in agriculture,” says John Vikupitz, president of CropX. “We have a commitment to production agriculture, and our only focus is on making things easier for farmers.”

With more than 80 years of combined experience in research, design and manufacturing, Reinke and CropX also believe that technology needs to be easy to use for growers to be able to maximize performance.

“Reinke is dedicated to irrigation innovation, and we’ve found that same level of commitment in CropX,” says Chris Roth, president of Reinke. “We know that farming is hard work and long hours. Growers need irrigation technology that is both accurate and easy to use, and that provides precision application, labor savings, and environmental efficiencies. That is our focus each day.”

Integrating Technology for Better Crops

Looking at what’s been put together, Mraz thinks growers will appreciate the additional knowledge they gain from the data they’ll get above and below the ground.

“Being able to collect and analyze all the information the CropX soil sensor provides will not only help growers to know their overall soil health, but it will also give them peace of mind,” says Mraz.

Specializing in advanced technology that provides recommendations on a variety of factors, CropX uses maps, aerial imagery, weather, advanced modeling and machine learning, user input, and its patented soil sensing technology to accurately predict outcomes. This year, CropX acquired U.S.-based CropMetrics and New Zealand-based Regen, adding more than 630,000 acres of soil data to the CropX farm management platform.

Growers using both Reinke and CropX systems will have access to advanced, data-driven irrigation prescriptions they can incorporate into their irrigation control systems. Growers with pivots using Reinke’s enhanced, web-based application ReinCloud will see additional benefits by being able to remotely operate their irrigation while they manage CropX data through the integrated platform.

“The technology used to accurately predict outcomes and recommend scheduling will be very helpful to growers as they plan for what resources they’ll need during the growing season,” says Mraz. “Combining that with the precision irrigation capabilities of Reinke and ReinCloud will go a long way to maximize yields and crop health.”


Visit www.Reinke.com/CropX for more information about the advantages of integrating Reinke and CropX into your operation.

For more information on the irrigation products and services available from Delta Irrigation, visit www.deltairrigation.ca.