Eptam 7E is a long-trusted selective herbicide used in potatoes, dry beans, alfalfa and other crops. Where other pre-plant herbicides can reduce your yield, Eptam 7E’s superior crop safety gives you the security to know you’ll get the best yield potential from your potato acres. It has excellent plant-back timing (45 days maximum), so growers have no rotation worries next year.
Eptam 7E has excellent control on annual grasses and key annual broadleaf weeds like hairy nightshade, pigweed, common lambsquarters and some perennial weeds like sedges.
When incorporated, Eptam 7E forms a barrier in the soil, which disrupts seedling shoot development by inhibiting lipid synthesis and preventing emergence. Weeds that do emerge are weakened and more susceptible to post-emergence chemistries.
Eptam’s application flexibility allows for use as a pre-plant incorporated, post-plant incorporated, or post-emergence layby treatment to control the weed seed bank before they emerge. It can be applied as a ground spray or through chemigation.
Eptam 7E, Group 8, brings a different mode of action to any weed resistance management program, helping to preserve weed control options.
Call (800) 883-1844 or visit www.gowanco.com for more information.