Does your current foliar program offer NPK or just micronutrients alone?
The NACHURS Foliar Program with NACHURS Finish Line and NACHURS K-Fuel is the whole package with advanced nutrient technology:
- Balanced NPK and high micronutrient concentration (zinc and manganese especially) from NACHURS Finish Line
- Improved efficiency thanks to high concentration of highly soluble, plant-available potassium from NACHURS K-fuel
- The addition of fulvic acid and compatibility agents, which improves plant uptake and reduces the potential of phytotoxicity
- NACHURS Bio-K is the most effective potassium source available.
Is your program approved for tank-mixing with herbicide programs (i.e., XtendiMax, Enlist, glyphosate)?*
NACHURS Finish Line and NACHURS K-Fuel are tank-mix approved. This offers growers:
- Improved efficacy of pesticide treatments
- Flexibility by not requiring an extra trip across the field
- Low use rate of NACHURS Finish Line (1 quart per acre) and NACHURS K-fuel (1 gallon per acre) per application
- A buffer against chemical stress on the crop
Can it help crop health and stress?
NACHURS Finish Line and NACHURS K-Fuel promote crop health and help alleviate plant stress. They support periods of peak nutrient demand; help unanticipated nutrient deficiencies; and assist transport of tank-mix nutrient partners and soil-resident nutrients.
Is your current program offering a consistent ROI?
NACHURS Finish Line has exhibited a 4.4-bushel-per-acre average yield increase on corn across all environments, and a 71.5 percent win rate on all crops over the last six years.
*Approved products vary based on herbicide; consult tank mix websites for official list. Consult your NACHURS DSM for additional recommendations.