Date Change For University Of Idaho Field Days Aberdeen Event

Published online: Jun 14, 2022 Articles
Viewed 1475 time(s)

The date for the University of Idaho’s Field Day at Aberdeen, Idaho, has been changed and is now scheduled for June 28. The field day at the Kimberly R&E Center is still taking place Wednesday June 22.

Here are the details for both field days:

University of Idaho Snake River Weed Management Tour and Field Days:

Contacts: Pam Hutchinson ( and Albert Adjesiwor (

Aberdeen R&E Center: Tuesday June 28 **Note New Date**

Kimberly R&E Center: Wednesday June 22

At both locations:

Registration 8:30 to 9 a.m.

Tour 9 a.m. to noon

Followed by a sponsored lunch.

You do not need to Pre-register RSVP

Three Idaho pesticide recertification credits will be available for each of the weed field days.

Featured on the Aberdeen R&E Center Tour Tuesday June 28:

Herbicide tank mixtures for use in potatoes; Herbicide incorporation timing; Potato variety herbicide tolerance; Simulated Excess Rainfall Effects on Herbicides and Potato Crop Safety; Herbicide site of action demonstration.

Weed control in quinoa; Herbicide management in the PCN trap crop, Litchi tomato.

In addition - Updates from:

USDA/University of Idaho potato breeding – Rhett Spear, Rich Novy, Jonathan Whitworth

Potato disease management – Phil Wharton

Seed potatoes – Kasia Duellman

Cropping Systems – Xi Liang

Nitrogen in Barley – Jared Spackman

Wheat Varieties – Juliet Marshall