Registration is now open for the 2024 American Farm Bureau Convention, and I am excited for all of us to explore new frontiers in agriculture in Salt Lake City from January 19-24.
As farmers and ranchers, we are always looking to the future, adapting to the demands of a changing and growing world, and embracing new technologies and innovations to be more productive and efficient each day. But we never lose sight of what matters most along the way: our commitment to grow the best products for our family and yours and to keep our air, soil and water healthy for the next generation. The 2024 AFBF Convention will provide the tools and inspiration to continue to drive us forward together as we gather experts, leaders and businesses who are helping blaze the trail to new frontiers in agriculture.
Now, I know fall is a busy season across farm country and Farm Bureau. From harvest to the holidays, there’s barely a minute to catch your breath, let alone carve out time for much else. But I also know we can all attest to the importance of gathering in our counties and states and as a national organization to explore new opportunities, take on challenges and set our policy goals for the next year. That’s why our team at AFBF is always looking for ways to make each convention the best one yet—to help give you the tools you need to prepare your farm for the future as we keep reaching beyond our fencerows to strengthen agriculture and our great organization.
Our workshops will span four tracks--public policy, rural development, member engagement and consumer engagement—and give you insights on the policies and perspectives affecting your farms, ranches, and agribusinesses for the next year and beyond. A few of the topics we’ll explore include a farm bill update, 2024 elections analysis, insights into livestock, crop and dairy markets, social media trends, and membership growth strategies. Attendees will also have opportunities to learn about local agriculture with plenty of farm and food tour options. Just to preview a few … tours include a chocolate factory, a salt mine, an elk farm, an artisanal cheese plant, a brine shrimp cooperative, and the Utah State University Animal Science Farm.
We will also hear from entertaining and inspiring keynotes and enjoy our hallmark events and competitions that the Farm Bureau family looks forward to every year. We will celebrate the work of our Ag Foundation at the Flapjack Fundraiser, cultivate the next generation of leaders with YF&R competitions, and spur on the next generation of innovative businesses with the Ag Innovation Challenge. And of course, we’ll name a new Farm Dog of the Year. You can check out our convention website for more on these events and the latest updates, and to secure your spot in Salt Lake City.
Exploring new frontiers is no small task: it takes perseverance and vision as we all work together. But modern agriculture is proof positive of what we can achieve as we safely and sustainably grow the food, fiber and fuel we all depend on. I hope you will join us at the 2024 American Farm Bureau Convention as we look forward together and chart new frontiers in agriculture.