Published online: Feb 10, 2012 Potato Storage, Potato Harvesting, Seed Potatoes
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Web Exclusive
SPOKANE, Wash.-Following a successful 2011 season, Northwest farmers and ranchers are optimistic about their prospects in 2012. Many commodities are experiencing strong crop prices, and robust demand. Although there is renewed faith in the U.S. economic recovery, markets remain volatile, increasing risk to producers.

The following highlights depict the general health of select industries included in Northwest FCS Knowledge Center Market Snapshots, which are available at

Potatoes: Year-over-year potato production in Idaho, Washington, Oregon and Montana was up 12 percent in 2011. Potato markets are strong, with demand supporting prices above $8 per cwt. Increased demand in domestic and world markets is expected to support strong U.S. potato prices in 2012.