More Precise, More Effective

Take the learning curve out of VRI

Published in the July 2013 Issue Published online: Jul 07, 2013
Viewed 2481 time(s)

8000 SeriesVariable Rate Irrigation (VRI) has made irrigating more precise and more effective, helping growers make better use of their available water.

Valley Irrigation now has a way to take the learning curve out of the equation, with VRI QuickStart (QS). QuickStart is a prescription for VRI Ready control panels, customized specifically for the field the center pivot is irrigating. It's uploaded into the control panel before installation on new machines, or it can be uploaded to any existing VRI Ready control panels and TrackNET products.

"Basically, growers can hit the ground running with the QuickStart Prescription," says Valley VRI Product Manager, Cole Fredrick.

"We have had discussions about what would make getting the benefits of VRI to growers efficiently and in an even simpler way," explains Fredrick. "That's where VRI QuickStart began. It's a Valley exclusive and we think it's going to be very beneficial for the grower."

Valley dealers work with the growers to determine the ideal water application across the irrigated land. This information includes but is not limited to soil data, yield data, EM maps, veris maps and topography. Based on this information, the Valley VRI Team develops the prescription and has it uploaded into a new control panel before it's shipped for installation. If it's an existing panel, they can upload the prescription via direct upload or by using TrackNET. The grower can start using VRI right away.

"We'll load the prescription directly into the control panel, so there's no lag time between when the control panel is installed and when the VRI is functional. We can also develop prescriptions for TrackNET products and load them wirelessly over the Internet," continues Fredrick. From the start then, growers can take full advantage of VRI technologies.

What is Variable Rate Irrigation?

Variable Rate Irrigation

VRI Speed Control allows growers to speed up or slow down the center pivot to apply desired application depth across 180 sectors throughout the field. They can also apply numerous application depths around the field for true precision irrigation, use a new or existing sprinkler package without making changes to the center pivot. Growers can use it with the Valley Select2 and Pro2 control panels as well as with the TrackerLT and TrackerPro.

VRI Zone Control allows growers to create over 5,000 customized management zones throughout a field with individual sprinkler or span control. They can also pulse sprinklers to obtain desired application depths or use on/off control for specific field areas such as ditches, canals, roadway and other areas. VRI can be used on existing center pivots and incorporated easily with plug-and-play technology with Valley VRI tower boxes and Valley Pro2 control panel.
