FMC Corporation

Published in the May 2012 Issue Published online: May 09, 2012
Viewed 4205 time(s)

Athena Insecticide/MiticideAthena: Athena insecticide has excellent spider-mite control as well as control over a variety of insects in potatoes such as pysllid, Lygus, leafminers, aphids, armyworms, Colorado potato beetle, leafhoppers, grasshoppers and cornborers. Athena is an excellent choice for mite and broad-spectrum insect control. The insecticide is also a strong resistant management tool.


Beleaf InsecticideBeleaf: Beleaf insecticide has a unique mode of action. This A-Type Potassium Channel Active provides effective, targeted control of aphids (including strong protection against green peach aphid) and plant bugs. Within 30 minutes of exposure, pests begin to lose the ability to feed, which is irreversible, eventually starving them to death. The rapid reduction in feeding dramatically reduces insect damage and disease transmission. Soft on beneficial insects and predator mites with no known cross-resistance with other insecticides, Beleaf is a valuable component in IRM and IPM programs and is ideal for use in seed-producing areas to prevent the transmission of PVY virus.

Brigadier InsecticideBrigadier: Brigadier insecticide utilizes a dual mode of action to control a variety of damaging insect pests, including potato aphids, Colorado potato beetles and potato leafhoppers, as well as many other pests while providing excellent residual control for prolonged protection against sucking and chewing insects. Used at-plant in potatoes, Brigadier controls soil insects while continuing to provide systemic control of foliar insects. In addition, Brigadier makes an excellent resistance management partner.

Capture LFR InsecticideCapture LFR: Capture LFR insecticide provides in-furrow protection of wireworms, grubs and other seedling pests, promoting a more complete zone of protection around the seedling to combat insect pressure. This results in better stands and higher yields from potato crops. Mixed with water or liquid fertilizers, Capture LFR insecticide provides long soil activity and improves insect control.



Mustang Max InsecticideMustang Max: Mustang Max insecticide provides broad-spectrum protection with residual control of more than 100 different pests, including cutworms, cabbage loopers, cucumber beetles, aphids, armyworms, Colorado potato beetles and potato leafhoppers. Mustang Max can be tank mixed with labeled fungicides.