DuPont Herbicide

Published in the May 2012 Issue Published online: May 10, 2012 Tyler J. Baum, Editor
Viewed 2523 time(s)

DuPont Matrix SG HerbicideMATRIX: Matrix SG can be used with confidence on just about all potato varieties. Growers who use a recommended Matrix SG herbicide program can reduce the amount of metribuzin applied, as well as reduce concern about stressing young plants.

Matrix SG tank-mixes deliver effective management of weeds like redroot pigweed, hairy nightshade, kochia, volunteer grain and many others. They offer a genuine step up in control, plus Matrix SG offers suppression of lambsquarters, quackgrass and Canada thistle. With better, more consistent weed control, you'll have cleaner fields and improvements in yield, tuber quality and harvest ease. Matrix can be applied pre- or post-emergence to weeds and potato plants by ground or air.