Musser Brothers Auctions is holding a complete liquidation of Schekall Premium Seed Potatoes.
Items available for sale include:
- Tri-axle and tandem axle trucks
- Trailers
- 2008 Spudnik 8080 potato planter in immaculate condition
- Double L harvesters and windrowers
- Dammer diker
- Pilers from Double L, Lockwood and Spudnik
- 30-, 24- and 18inch vent pipe
- Bulk heads
- Conveyors
- Dirt eliminators
- Roller graders
- Sizers
- JD 2700 disk ripper
- JD MaxEmerge 12-row 30-inch planter
- Sunflower field cultivator
- Sunflower Colter chisel
- Feteral and Speed King augers, sprayers, saddle tanks and more
- Cat 966B Payloader with an extra four new tires
- Loader bucket for the Spudnik 8080 potato planter
- Bobcat S205 skidsteer with bucket a 72-inch Brush Hog
- Cat 3208 generator
- John Deere 8300 tractor
Contact (509) 416-6060 or