Herbicide Resistance Summit II Information

Published online: Aug 22, 2014 Event Calendar, Herbicide
Viewed 2217 time(s)

Building on the insights and perspectives that were established from the 2012 Herbicide Resistance Summit, one of the outcomes expected from Herbicide Resistance Summit II will include a more unified understanding of the issues across the country, understanding of differences of viewpoints, and approaches to solutions. This event is sponsored by the Weed Science Society of America and hosted by the National Research Council.

Event date: September 10, 2014

Location: Washington, DC

More details:

Meeting Agenda 

9:00 Welcome by USDA
9:15 Current State, Challenges, Accomplishments
10:00 Understanding the Decision Process
10:45 Break
11:15 Economics of Resistance Management
11:45 Community-Based Approaches to Resistance Management
12:30 Lunch
1:30 Global Perspective on Herbicide Resistance
2:00 Diversifying Weed Management Tactics
2:30 New Approaches to Education and Outreach
3:00 Break
3:30 Incentives and Regulations to Manage Herbicide Resistance
4:00 EPA’s Perspective
4:15 Call to Action
5:00 Reception


Key action items to be discussed at the Summit include:

  • Increase awareness that everyone engaged with agriculture has a role in managing herbicide resistance and accountability for that role.
  • Develop a herbicide resistance management certification program for weed management decision makers and advisors.
  • Reduce regulatory barriers to herbicide resistance management, e.g. conservation compliance.
  • Establish prototypical, community-based area-wide herbicide resistance management programs for specific threats, e.g. Palmer amaranth in Iowa.
  • Communicate the effect of herbicide resistance management on short and long-term farm profitability.
  • Implement programs for scouting and controlling weed escapes.
  • Provide short-term financial incentives to reduce the cost of developing and implementing field-by-field herbicide resistance management plans.
  • Market/promote consistent and scientifically sound herbicide resistance management programs.
  • Incentivize innovation in non-chemical weed management practices.


Source: Weed Science Society of America