Phytech PlantBeat Service

Published in the September 2014 Issue Published online: Sep 05, 2014
Viewed 2946 time(s)

Plants expand, contract and experience stress in ways similar to the human heart. Phytech, an agri-tech company based in Israel, calls this pulse a “plantbeat” and says that understanding the plantbeat is the key to high-yield crop production.

As such, Phytech announces its new PlantBeat service. The innovative ser­vice assists farmers in the optimiza­tion of crop yields by translating plant needs into real-time alerts and expert recommendations.

PlantBeat includes the continu­ous monitoring of plant growth rate and contractions, soil moisture and microclimate conditions in a grower’s field or orchard. The data is collected and transmitted wirelessly to a global network of secure cloud-based servers. Proprietary algorithms analyze the plant, soil and climate data to determine specific plant stress thresholds. Timely alerts are then sent directly to any mobile device designat­ed by the farming operation. Farmers can use the insights to make precise irrigation decisions before plant stress levels reach a point where yields are being adversely affected.

If you are seeking to optimize yields during the season there is no better sensor than the plant itself to help you make the best decision. By listening to a plant’s needs PlantBeats is able to produce a predictive model for precise decision-making. Through PlantBeat, a plant’s needs are identified before the stress is visible in the field or orchard.

The PlantBeat service removes the burden of data interpreta­tion from the farmer. Providing data charts and graphs to a farmer can be time-consuming and even meaningless if unaccompanied by expert interpretation and real insights. And, by sending real-time insights to a farmer’s mobile device Phytech is essentially putting a 24/7 expert agronomist in the hands and pockets of farmers.

Contact Phytech at