Storage Chemicals & Equipment

Published in the September 2014 Issue Published online: Sep 08, 2014 Irrigation
Viewed 8363 time(s)


Bin Piler Applicator, Sustainable Chemistries, BioFogger II

BioSafe Systems’ Bin Piler Applicator is a simple-to-use injec­tion system that makes potato storage disease control trouble-free. The adjustable water-powered dosing system provides various and accurate dosing dilutions from 1:20 to 1:200, and there is no electrical requirement as the injector hooks up to any ¾-inch water line. In addition, the cart comes equipped with a standardized spray bar assembly that may be easily mounted to any type of bin piler conveyor.

The portable injection system has a tough roto-molded design and crash bar that provides the 15-gallon polyethylene tank with durability and protection. The applicator also has a narrow base and 10-inch wheels, allowing for easy storage and maximum mobil­ity. The water pressure-driven chemical injector is a high-quality choice that will facilitate economical operation.

BioSafe Systems recommends its Bin Piler Applicator as an integral part of the application of any of BioSafe Systems’ storage disease control products, including StorOx 2.0 and OxiPhos.

BioSafe Systems develops and manufactures sustainable chemistries that prevent and control plant pathogens in the field, as well as in post-harvest storage applications. The company helps potato growers by providing sustainable storage solutions through its activated peroxygen products, including OxiPhos bactericide/fungicide, StorOx 2.0 bactericide/fungi­cide and HOLDit, a deposition aid. These products are effective on a broad range of pathogens, such as Listeria, E. coli and salmonella to increase yields and profits.

StorOx 2.0 is fully labeled for use in bin piler applications, injection into humidifi­cation systems and use in fogging systems. OxiPhos’ combination of phosphorous acid and activated peroxygen has proven effective in suppressing common potato storage pathogens. HOLDit improves the performance of these products to allow for more even coverage in potato storages when applying fungicides.

The BioFogger II is a portable system for humidity control and disinfection applications for potatoes. It is equipped with a chemical proportioner that meters the cor­rect amount of solution into the water used to generate fog. The fog is supercharged with an activated peroxide solution ideal for disinfecting, sanitizing, humidifying and deodorizing small to large spaces, including potato storage and transportation vehicles.

Contact BioSafe Systems at (888) 273-3088.


FORM System

The Extrutech FORM system brings a bright new look to con­crete form construction.

The 24-inch-wide by 6-inch-thick thick panel is pre-cut to project specifications and snaps together with a double-spline E-locking system.

This FORM offers an easy-to-clean sanitary surface on both sides. The product creates a structural wall system that is builder- and customer-friendly.

The Extrutech FORM system is ideal for use in dairy, car wash or food facilities.

Contact Extrutech Plastics at (888) 818-0118 or at


Royal MH-30 Xtra

Royal MH-30 Xtra from Chemtura is an effective and proven sprout control product for potatoes. A plant growth regulator, Royal MH-30 Xtra prevents sprouting by stopping cell division. Royal MH-30 Xtra is applied as a foliar spray to potato vines at a critical stage of the growing season when it is absorbed by the leaves and moved into the developing tubers. Potatoes treated with Royal MH-30 Xtra have a higher percentage of U.S. No. 1s with enhanced “blockiness,” fewer knobs and misshapen tubers, improved internal quality, and a higher specific gravity. After potatoes are dug and stored, the development of internal and external sprouts is inhibited. And because Royal MH-30 Xtra works from inside the tuber, under normal storage conditions no additional growth inhibitor must be added to extend shelf life after potatoes are shipped to terminal markets.

Royal MH-30 Xtra contains 2.25 pounds of active ingredient per gallon. The key to success is to apply the proper rate of Royal MH-30 Xtra at the right time and in the right way. One applica­tion protects potatoes from sprouting for months while reducing shrinkage in storage by up to 15 percent. Carefully read and fol­low all label recommendations.

Contact Chemtura AgroSolutions at


Jet Ag

Jet-Ag is a newly registered peroxyacetic acid (PAA) agricultural sanitizer. Jet-Ag can be applied by fogging to control the growth of non-public health microorganisms that may cause decay and/or spoilage on raw, post-harvest fruits and vegetables during the post-harvest process.

Fog Jet-Ag can be applied with any type of fogging equipment including cold foggers, thermal foggers, low-pressure-air assisted and high-pressure fog systems.

Peroxyacetic acid is an ideal antimicrobial agent due to its high oxidizing potential. Jet-Ag is also registered for use as a foliar spray treatment in the field for the reduction of plant pathogens.

Contact Jet Harvest Solutions at


Aceto is the global leader in potato sprout control, offering a complete portfolio of advanced sprout control products to maxi­mize the quality of potatoes.

For over 50 years, **Aceto Sprout Nip** potato sprout inhibitor has been protecting potatoes and maximizing profits for growers, processors and packers. Application of Sprout Nip prevents bud­ding, peeping and sprouting for top-quality potatoes out of storage. It is the most widely used potato sprout inhibitor worldwide.

Amplify can be applied alone, or in combination with Sprout Nip, to provide complete sprout control and protection for potatoes in storage. Amplify (2,6-DIPN) has a unique mode of action and provides additional benefits for your potatoes. Use Amplify and Sprout Nip together to delay dormancy break and to help reduce shrinkage and pressure bruising. In many cases, one combination application of both products has been shown to control sprouts all season long.

Shield EC Sprout Inhibitor is a unique CIPC formulation that provides packers with maximum protection against peepers and sprouting. Shield EC combines the power of Sprout Nip with advanced formulation technol­ogy to create a nonflammable product that is safe and effective and does not use the corrosive solvents found in competing products. Packers using Shield EC experience less sponge and roller deterioration and less belt slippage and issues with equipment. Most importantly, Shield EC provides higher residue on the potato surface—resulting in longer shelf life, fewer claims and greater profits.

FreshPack 50 EC is the most concentrated clove oil formula­tion on the market. In addition to the highest clove oil concentra­tion, FreshPack 50 EC utilizes advanced formulation technology to increase safety, efficacy and ease of application. When used in conjunction with Shield EC sprout inhibitor, this product results in improved burning of buds, peepers and sprouts at packing—mini­mizing downgrades and rejections. FreshPack 50 EC works with conventional injection systems for easy, trouble-free application.

Contact Aceto at



SmartBlock is a postharvest sprout inhibitor that effectively manages and achieves extended sprout control in stored potatoes targeted for both processing and fresh markets. Manufactured by Amvac, this breakthrough product is a naturally occurring molecule that is exempt from the EPA’s tolerance requirement. Used alone, or with other sprout inhibitor products, SmartBlock can restore dormancy and help ensure season-long sprout control.

This sprout inhibitor is classified as a biopesticide and has no effect on finish, color, sugar levels, taste, texture or cooking quality. It is safe for all potatoes except seed potatoes.

Contact Amvac at



Phiticide is a systemic fungicide containing mono- and dibasic phosphites. The phosphonic ion is effective in controlling downy mildew, brown rot, foot rot and other diseases caused by Phy­tophthora, Pythium and other related fungi by activating the plant’s natural resistance mechanisms. When used in a complete integrated pest management (IPM) disease control program with good cultural practices, this product will provide control of the listed diseases.

For harvested potatoes, Phiticide is formu­lated for Llate blight caused by Phytophthora infestans, pink rot caused by Phytophthora erythroseptica, and silver scurf caused by Hel­minthosporium solani. It is to be applied 6 to 13 fluid ounces per half gallon of water per ton of tubers using a mist-type sprayer.

Contact Drexel at


1,4Group sells dormancy-enhancing and sprout-inhibiting agricultural chemicals for the potato storage industry, targeting distributors and applicators who desire innovation and a high level of customer service. 1,4Group offers the 1,4-DMN family of products, whose ingredients are naturally occurring in the potato and provide numerous other benefits, such as superior storage characteristics, resulting in higher yields and greater flexibility.

1,4Group backs its customers with ex­tensive support before, during and after the sale, including applicator training to ensure success.

For fresh pack or processing potatoes, 1,4 products nip sprouts in the bud.

Contact 1,4 Group at



Don’t waste the hard work you put in during the growing season as soon as your potatoes are placed in storage. For proces­sors and fresh markets alike, sprout control is of vital importance to a successful year. SmartBlock is a break-through postharvest sprout inhibitor that effectively achieves extended sprout control in stored poratoes. Having received EPA approval in 2013, it’s rela­tively new to the potato market.

SmartBlock is a naturally occurring molecule commonly found in foods such as yogurt and mushrooms. It has been approved by the FDA as a direct food additive and has no effect on finish, color, sugar levels, taste, texture or cooking quality.

SmartBlock can be fogged directly into potato storage units using commer­cial thermal fogging equipment. Its pat­ented technology works effectively alone or combined with other sprout inhibitor products to effectively burn off “peeping” or fully-sprouted tubers and restore dormancy. Depending on storage temperature, one SmartBlock application can have ongoing sprout control for up to three months.

Contact Agri-Stor Company in Twin Falls, Idaho, at (208) 733-7000; in Blackfoot, Idaho at (208) 785-7000; or in Warden, Wash., at (509) 349-7000.


Impact Recording Device

Techmark’s impact recording device (IRD) can improve quality in potatoes by reducing bruise. Only the IRD uses both impact ac­celeration and surface characteristics to estimate severity of impact and potential damage. From the field to the processed package and all points between, the IRD identifies potential sources of damage. Using this data, growers can alter impact points to reduce bruising and increase quality.

The IRD is rugged and can be used in wet and dirty environ­ments. It is meant to be used during harvest, transport processing and packaging to identify impact locations. The IRD identifies impacts from any angle using a self-contained triaxial acceleration sensor. Data can be interpreted using the peak acceleration versus velocity change graph generated by the software provided. The IRD is a high-quality sensor that can be a profitable addition to any grower’s quality improvement program.

Contact Techmark at (517) 322-0250 or


The Biox family of sprout suppression products by Pace International is a greener alternative to CIPC and other synthetic sprout inhibitors. A highly advanced and natural solution to reduce the use of CIPC and maintain tuber quality for the fresh market is being used in the U.S. and Europe for exports to coun­tries that do not tolerate CIPC or want to have lower levels of CIPC residues.

Biox is comprised of specialized liquid formulations of 100 per­cent organically approved Clove Oil (Eugenol) and liquid concen­trate CIPC for use in line-spray or ecoFOG (thermofogging) applica­tions to effectively suppress buds and sprouts in stored potatoes.

Biox solutions have been intelligently designed with safer, lower levels of active ingredient that work synergistically without decreasing their effectiveness for superior short-, mid- and long-term potato sprout control.

The Biox family of products includes:

Biox-COMBO, a lower concentrated CIPC liquid formulation combined with clove oil to create a solution that has decreased toxicity for use in thermofogging.

Biox-C, an organic clove oil formulated for ecoFOG thermo­fogging.

Biox-15EC (organic) and Biox-40EC, products used for line spray application.


BTU XT App, ERX Valve Controller

BTU Ventilation continues to update and develop new prod­ucts. BTU recently developed new iPad and iPhone apps, a new refrigeration electronic expansion valve controller and the indus­try’s first variable speed, non-limit switch door control system.

The iPad and iPhone apps are unique in that there is no limit to the number of storages that can be displayed simultaneously. Storage managers can instantly check the status and make adjust­ments to any number of storages at one glance. The app display screens mimic the storage interface so there is no learning curve. All parameters as well as the condensing unit, refrigeration coils and intake information are displayed real-time within the app. The BTU XT app is a free download from the Apple App store.

The ERX is a new enhanced refrigeration electronic valve controller that will control up to three valves. This card has a lot of flexibility and will fit many ap­plications, from individual coils to hot gas defrost systems. The ERX utilizes BTU-patented dynamic superheat control. Parameters dynamically change to maximize system efficiency as ambient and indoor conditions change.

Fresh-air door control systems have always presented main­tenance issues. The entire design of the system is based on low maintenance and precise control. BTU will soon introduce the first variable speed three-stage door control system with no limit switches. The new system also provides an exact door position without a potentiometer. Rating for the new system is 1,000 pounds of push or pull with a unique door stall protective feature.

Contact BTU Ventilation at