Mikkelsen Appointed IPNI’s VP of Communications

Published in the August 2014 Issue Published online: Aug 09, 2014
Viewed 1837 time(s)
"Dr. Robert L. Mikkelsen

Dr. Robert L. Mikkelsen has been appointed to the position of Vice President of Communications for the International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI). Mikkelsen will also continue to serve as a director within IPNI’s North American Program.

“A strong communications program is vital to IPNI’s mission,” explained IPNI president Dr. Terry L. Roberts. “Rob’s experience and expertise will increase our effectiveness in sharing our message of nutrient management and stewardship with our partners and clientele around the world.”

Mikkelsen will have a primary responsibility for coordinating communications activities for IPNI, but he will also continue to use his expertise to support the North American Program’s efforts in addressing plant nutrient management issues for that region. He will continue to be based from his current location in Merced, Calif. Prior to joining the IPNI staff, Mikkelsen was a professor of soil science at North Carolina State University, where he conducted research and teaching related to nutrient management. He previously worked as a research scientist with the National Fertilizer Development Center of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). At TVA, Mikkelsen was responsible for nutrient management issues involving fertilizers and irrigation, and he received a patent for new fertilizer innovations. He has contributed widely to the scientific literature and the popular press on issues related to nutrient management and plant nutrition.

Mikkelsen has been recognized for his contributions to nutrient management and agricultural science by being selected a Fellow by the Soil Science Society of America, the Agronomy Society of America (ASA), and the Fluid Fertilizer Foundation.

He received the Agronomic Industry Award from ASA, and was selected as the Outstanding Graduate Instructor of the Year at NC State.